When: Saturday, November 20, 2021, 7:30AM – 7:00PM
Where: Redeemer Presbyterian Church (2111 Alexander Ave., Austin TX 78722)
Cost: $25/student until Nov 6; late registration $30/student until Nov 13
Attire: NCFCA tournament attire
Senior Competitors: 2 rounds of Speech events, 3 rounds of Debate (TP and LD)
Junior Competitors (age 7+): 2 rounds of Apologetics, Impromptu, Platform, and Interpretation events
What to bring: a judge, completed ARC Liability Release Form, lunch and drinks. Lunch can be pre-ordered as an add-on product.
Tournament Schedule: (tentative – to be confirmed after registration closes)
7:30 Debate-only Check-in
8:00 Devotion and Debate Announcements
8:30 Debate Round 1
9:30 Speech-only Check-in
10:15 Speech Announcements
10:30 Speech Round 1
11:30 Junior-only Check-in
12:15 Junior Announcements
12:30 Debate Round 2 & Junior Round 1
2:30 Speech Round 2
4:30 Debate Round 3 & Junior Round 2
6:30 Clean and reset facility
7:00 Ballot Pick-Up
Optional Chick-fil-A meal can be ordered during registration:
1. Chick-fil-A Sandwich, chips, cookie – $6 each
2. Chick-fil-A Chicken Wrap, chips, cookie – $9 each
3. Chick-fil-A Southwest Salad with Chicken (no chips or cookie) – $10 each
Two payment options through November 6 ($25/student):
1. PayPal:
After completing the online registration form, send PayPal payment to dale.amason@gmail.com. (Please select Friends & Family so there is no service fee.)
2. Mail:
After completing the online registration form, make check out to Austin Rhetoric Club and mail to Dale Amason, 209 Kettleman Ln N, Austin, TX 78717
Payment via PayPal only November 7-13 ($30/student):
After completing the online registration form, send PayPal payment to dale.amason@gmail.com. (Please select Friends & Family so there is no service fee.)
Additional Information:
1. Masks are not required. In order to participate, each family must turn in a completed ARC Liability Release Form at check-in. Please stay home if sick or experiencing symptoms of illness.
2. Our indoor student hang-out space will not be available until 12:30pm. We request that students arrive no earlier than one hour before their first round, if possible.
3. Registration time stamp is when your payment is received (for both partners in Duo & TP).
Questions can be addressed to Dale Amason through the Contact Us page.
To register for the practice tournament, please fill out the registration form:
ARC 2021 Practice Tournament Registration Form
An email confirmation will be sent to you upon receipt of registration form and payment.